IREX Georgia supports independent media and provides quality education and access to information. IREX provides technical and strategic advice to media organizations and media professionals, and promotes media partnerships between Georgia and the United States. IREX also promotes the administration of higher and secondary education and the professional development of teachers.
A large-scale media survey was conducted in Georgia within the framework of cooperation with IREX. The study aimed to identify the current state and challenges of regional media, to study the viability of the media as a business unit, to identify development opportunities and to make recommendations of strategic importance, through periodic monitoring and on-site coaching to implement the plan. Based on the needs of the media, Innova has developed and conducted finance / marketing and sales programs / seminars for media organizations. Our company periodically planned and conducted local and regional market research, which helped media organizations to better design and implement their own marketing plan, growth and development of organizations. Innova was also involved in the development of media organizations' side-business ideas and was actively involved in the implementation of selected business ideas, providing managers with the services of a business consultant.